Fundamentals of Photography – John Greengo

Fundamentals of Photography Information

Fundamentals of Photography is designed to provide a comprehensive and foundational understanding of both the technical and creative aspects of photography.

Build A Strong Foundation For Your Photography Practice.

As a photographer, you will need to master the technical basics of the camera and form an understanding of the kind of equipment you need. The Fundamentals of Digital Photography will also teach something even more important (and crucial for success) – how to bring your creative vision to fruition.

Taught by seasoned photographer John Greengo, the Fundamentals of Digital Photography places emphasis on quality visuals and experiential learning. In this course, you’ll learn:

  • How to bring together the elements of manual mode to create an evocative image: shutter speed, aperture, and image composition.
  • How to choose the right gear, and develop efficient workflow.
  • How to recognize and take advantage of beautiful natural light.

John will teach you to step back from your images and think critically about your motivations, process, and ultimate goals for your photography project. You’ll learn to analyze your vision and identify areas for growth. John will also explore the difference between the world seen by the human eye and the world seen by the camera sensor. By forming an awareness of the gap between the two, you will be able to use your equipment to its greatest potential.

What You’ll Learn In Fundamentals of Photography?

  • Theme: The theme of this class is the fundamentals of photography. The class covers various topics related to photography, including camera basics, sensor and ISO, lenses, exposure, focus, gadgets, light, editing, composition, and multi-shot techniques.
  • Learning topics: Students will learn about the different aspects of photography and how they contribute to capturing high-quality images. They will learn about the technical aspects, such as understanding camera settings and controls, as well as the artistic aspects, such as composition and visual storytelling. They will also learn about different techniques and tools to enhance their photography skills.
  • Benefit: Learning the topics in this class will provide students with a solid foundation in photography. They will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to take better photos, understand their camera and equipment, and express their creativity through visual storytelling. This knowledge can be applied to various photography genres, including landscapes, portraits, street photography, and more.

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Salepage: Fundamentals of Photography – John Greengo


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