Beginner Bootcamp – The Bite Shot

Beginner Bootcamp Information

Beginner Bootcamp is a comprehensive program designed to empower individuals with the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to excel in food photography.

Learn how to take control of your camera and create delicious food photos without all the guesswork.

Prepare to save yourself from the frustration and endless hours of googling by mastering the key foundations of photography.

And the best part?

This program is tailored specifically to food photography and can be completed in a week’s time — so you don’t have spend thousands of dollars on expensive college classes or months in a classroom to create professional food photos.

Struggling with camera settings?

Not sure what lens you should be using?

That camera of yours has all the potential to capture beautiful food photos like the ones you see online. Unfortunately, the camera manufacturers don’t make that easy.

Have you found that sometimes you get lucky and manage to capture stand-out images, but always on accident?

Then suddenly the next shoot, you’re stuck hitting shutter button a bazillion times only to find drab, lackluster images frame after frame.

It’s time to take control of the camera and start taking great photos on purpose.

What You’ll Learn In Beginner Bootcamp?

MODULE 1: Camera Basics

We start the course by orienting you to your camera, all the important buttons and settings, essential accessories for food photography, how to properly create an exposure, understanding lenses and focus modes.

MODULE 2: Working with Light

Our most powerful tool in food photography is light. Learn how to diagnose the light in any situation or environment and how to tame it to get a look you love.

MODULE 3: Getting Creative

From backgrounds to composition and food styling, learn the basics that the pros know to create scenes that are visually engaging and make people’s mouths water with your work.

MODULE 4: Editing

If opening Adobe Lightroom feels like you’re stepping into the cockpit of a rocket ship, this unit walks you step by step through all of the most important areas of this robust, pro-level software so that you can enhance your images for maximum impact.

MODULE 5: Demos & Practice

Theory is a great place to start, but the learning is fully cemented through seeing a photoshoot in action. Walk through four different food photography scenes, from concept, to setup, shooting and step by step through editing the final image.

More courses from the same author: The Bite Shot

Salepage: Beginner Bootcamp – The Bite Shot


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