Photography For Beginners | All You Need To Start – Mario Guimarey

Photography For Beginners | All You Need To Start

Unlock the power of your camera and unleash your creativity with "Photography For Beginners | All You Need To Start" Whether you're using a smartphone or a camera, this comprehensive course is designed to take you on an exciting journey into the world of photography.

Are you eager to capture stunning landscapes, expressive portraits, or vibrant street scenes? This course is your gateway to mastering the fundamental principles of photography, regardless of your previous experience. From understanding your camera's settings to exploring composition techniques, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence needed to create captivating images.

Course Highlights:

  1. The Exposure Triangle: I will teach you all you need to know to understand the Exposure Triangle, which is the base of Photography.
  2. Camera Modes: I will show you the camera modes so that you can start using your camera like a pro. Understanding the camera modes together with the exposure triangle, you will be able to shoot in full manual mode.
  3. Composition: I will show you the base of composition and why it is so important. The idea is for you to finish the course and go out there to take amazing photos.
  4. Cameras: I will explain to you the different cameras in the market for you to get the one that you need.

Whether you dream of becoming a professional photographer or simply want to capture your life's moments in a more artistic way, this course equips you with the essential skills to start your photography journey with confidence. Join us now and embark on an exciting adventure of visual storytelling and creativity. Your photographic mastery begins here!

See you in class.

About Author

Photography For Beginners | All You Need To Start – Mario GuimareyHello, My name is Mario. I was born in Lima, Peru and since I was 18 years old I've been traveling around the world working in cruise lines. I found my love for PHOTOGRAPHY and VIDEOGRAPHY watching the beautiful scenarios that the world has for us.

I started to study PHOTOGRAPHY online as well as VIDEOGRAPHY and I opened my first YOUTUBE channel to share my adventures with family and friends, but something happened...

Many people around the world started to watch and comment my videos, that was so exiting that I wanted to make more videos and with better quality.

I kept studying but now, it was the turn of SOFTWARE, Premier Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.

After Years of editing videos and photos, learning more and more about YOUTUBE and social media, I decided to share my knowledge.

I Am teaching already for more than 4 years and I love it. I will be posting as many courses as I can, I promise to do my best sharing all I know. I invite you to follow me and be part of my community, as well as being notified every time I post a course.

Hope to see you soon.

Salepage: Photography For Beginners | All You Need To Start – Mario Guimarey

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