In-Depth Concept Art – Sergey Grechanyuk

In-Depth Concept Art – Sergey GrechanyukIn-Depth Concept Art Information

You will learn the whole process of creating concept art: from a basic idea to the final piece of artwork, and get the feel of what it is like to be a part of a project for an animated movie.

What is this course about?

You will learn how to start with a basic idea or a concept to create a world of its own using simple tools and techniques. You will go through the whole process like concept artists in real studios do, and discover what it’s like to be a part of a project for an animated movie.

I’ll demonstrate the workflow of a concept artist. We will start with a line sketch and slowly work through the artwork by using techniques like Photobashing and 3D modeling to create a final piece.

This course is perfectly suitable for people who don’t know how to draw since I use basic techniques and simple examples. You will still be able to produce a great result, even with no prior knowledge!

Here’s what you’ll learn

LESSON #1: Introduction to Concept Art

Role of a concept artist in a project. Techniques used by concept artists in modern industry.

LESSON #2: Starting with a Line Sketch in Photoshop

Visual language, design, and composition. Project introduction and working on a brief. Photoshop Interface. Drawing a Sci-Fi city.

LESSON #3: Tonal Sketch in Photoshop

Analyzing references. Creating atmosphere and light. Principles of working with tone. Creating a simple tonal sketch

LESSON #4: Complex Tonal Sketch in Photoshop

Creating a complex sketch. Ways to make an image more interesting and appealing.

LESSON #5: Intro to Photobashing

Photo bashing. Ways to use photos in your works. Working with value, color, and saturation. Preparing photo-textures for an efficient workflow.

LESSON #6: Photobashing P.2

Techniques and tricks of photobashing. Using photos to complete a concept.

LESSON #7: Intro to 3D for Concept Artists in Blender

Benefits of 3D for concept artists. Using 3D in a smart way. Intro to Blender. Simple modeling techniques. Working with primitives. Texturing in 3D.

LESSON #8: Composition and Keyframe Sketching

Introduction to composition. 3D as a tool for making compositions. Rendering passes. Making sketches over simple 3D. Presentation of sketches of keyart/keyframe concept illustrations.

LESSON #9: Making Keyart/Keyframe Concept illustrations P.2

3D for the final concept illustration. Creating final models of the buildings. Texturing. Rendering passes and composing them in Photoshop. Photobashing. Overpainting and finalization of a concept illustration.

About Author

In-Depth Concept Art – Sergey GrechanyukHi, my name is Sergey Grechanyuk!

I am a concept artist and Art Director with more than 6 years of experience. Since childhood, I have always enjoyed drawing and I have always been very fond of movies and computer games, and, perhaps, I have been most impressed by cinematic trailers for games. I eventually realized that I could be a part of the creation of such projects. I have worked on dozens of cinematics, music videos, and triple-A games.

The most inspiring thing for me as a concept artist is that I literally depict what the final product will look like. You can basically translate what you have imagined into a visual language transforming into images of the things that existed only in your head. There are no limits to this profession as every task is a new challenge, and each previous work seems imperfect to you because you’re constantly developing your taste and skills. Because of that, you strive to make your next artwork even better.

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