Building an immersive creative website from scratch without frameworks – Luis Henrique Bizarro

Building an immersive creative website from scratch without frameworks – Luis Henrique BizarroBuilding an immersive creative website from scratch without frameworks Information

There are countless advantages to creating websites from scratch without using JavaScript frameworks such as React, Vue, or Angular. Especially when you want to create something unique that has never been done before on any other website.

In this course, you'll learn how to set up your own boilerplate from scratch with all the technologies, tools, and libraries you need to get up to speed.

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We’ll teach you the right approach to using plain JavaScript in a website: we’ll cover Fetch API and History API, then integrate it with ECMAScript 2015+ classes that will use Promises to animate in and animate out your views in a seamless way.

We’ll also learn how to construct reusable component classes that can speed up your development process. Finally, we’ll learn how to integrate the plain JavaScript setup with animation-focused libraries such as GSAP, OGL, and Three.js, making your website stand out from all the rest.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to create a top-notch website, learn some Front End technologies and tools such as Pug (Template Engine), SASS/SCSS + PostCSS (CSS Preprocessor), Babel (ECMAScript 2015+ JavaScript compiler), and Webpack (Assets Bundler) and finally learn how to integrate everything with industry-standard libraries like GSAP, OGL and Three.js to enhance your website even more.

Here’s what you’ll learn

  • How to set up your own boilerplate from scratch
  • The latest tools and libraries you need to get up to speed
  • The right approach to using plain JavaScript in a website
  • Learn most used Front End technologies and tools
  • Integrate everything with GSAP, OGL and Three.js


  • Lesson 1: Introduction
  • Lesson 2: Workflow and Tooling
  • Lesson 3: Setup
  • Lesson 4: Building the project structure
  • Lesson 5: Architecture of plain JavaScript
  • Lesson 6: Implementation of WebGL interactions
  • Lesson 7: Releasing the project

Building an immersive creative website from scratch without frameworks – Luis Henrique BizarroAbout Author

Luis Henrique Bizarro is a Brazilian Creative Developer based in São Paulo, Brazil currently working at Active Theory. He has worked in technically challenging projects for renowned international brands like Nike, Google, Airbnb, Samsung, Lufthansa, Shell, Corvette, Chevrolet, HBO, and Cartoon Network using cutting-edge technologies such as WebGL, GLSL, and JavaScript.

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