The UX Design Dream Job Guide Pack – Joseph Louis Tan

The UX Design Dream Job Guide Pack – Joseph Louis TanThe UX Design Dream Job Guide Pack Information

The Surprising Truth behind Landing Your Dream UX Job

Have you ever wondered why and how the top 1% UX designers attract and land their dream jobs?

What is their secret?

What do they do differently?

Stop Making This Mistake

If you're like most UX designers job hunting right now, you're applying to multiple job postings, but not seeing results.

Your resume and portfolio are great. You have even graduated from a UX bootcamp or completed Google UX course.

And yet... time and again, you clicked "Apply", then wait in radio silence hoping for a response back from a recruiter or hiring manager.

A bunch of automated computer generated responses.

No emails. No phone calls. No job interviews.

Here's The Truth

"Just have a good UX portfolio" is bad advice.

Good UX portfolio alone is not enough.

Your dream job search strategy needs to be great, or nobody will notice you.

The #1 reason I see designers struggling to get noticed by recruiters and hiring managers is they have no idea how to stand out and get their attention.

So let's change that.

Ready to Land your Dream UX Job?

Over the past 10+ years of coaching and mentoring over 100+ designers in my career, I became obsessed with how the top 1% of designers land their dream jobs without applying to hundreds of jobs.

Once I learned the dream job strategies and tactics, I landed my dream job multiple times over my decade long career.

And today, I'm offering you the exact strategies and tactics on how to do just that.

The UX Design Dream Job Guide Pack

This is it - the Complete Collection of my best UX Design Dream Job Guides, all neatly packaged up and read to go.

These are the exact methods I used to land multiple dream jobs over my decade long career.

As well as 100+ designers whom I have coached and mentored to get unstuck, noticed, and hired for their dream jobs.

Here’s what you’ll learn

  1. The Perfect LinkedIn Profile for Product/UX/UI Designers
  2. Land Your Dream Job in 7 Steps - Go From Frustration to Fulfillment
  3. Steal My Dream Job Secrets That Got Me Hired!
  4. Master the Art of Storytelling for your UX Case Study using PEARL
  5. Steal My UX Case Study Structure That Got Me Hired!
  6. Outshine the Crowd as a UX Designer with a Minimum Valuable Pitch (MVP)
  7. Ace Your Next UX Interview with CIRCLES & Impress Interviewers!
  8. Steal My Job Interview Secrets That Got Me Hired!
  9. Unlock Your Dream UX Design Job with the 5 Levels of Value Contribution
  10. Conquer the Tough UX Job Market by Becoming a Value Creator!
  11. Unlock the UX Job Market: The Power of Referrals
  12. How To Find Work-Life Balance Without Losing Your Soul & Burnt-out

The UX Design Dream Job Guide Pack – Joseph Louis TanAbout Author

Joseph Louis Tan is a designer and educator. As a creative catalyst for positive change, he believes in the power of good design in impacting lives for the better future. He helps individuals, brands and organisations connect the dots of complex issues by discovering unconscious behaviors and latent desires to realise human-centred solutions for social and ecological good. Trained as an industrial designer with a spirit of curiosity and empathy, Joseph designs meaningful outcomes, engaging experiences and authentic brands.

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Salepage: The UX Design Dream Job Guide Pack – Joseph Louis Tan


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