Start From Zero: Mastering the Art of YouTube Shorts and Making Videos that People Send to their Friends – Dino Favara

Start From Zero: Mastering the Art of YouTube Shorts and Making Videos that People Send to their Friends – Dino FavaraMastering the Art of YouTube Shorts and Making Videos that People Send to their Friends Information

So, you've got a wild dream – ACTUALLY grow your YouTube Channel. But here's the catch: You don't want to spend a lifetime on it, and you definitely don't want to bore your audience to tears. Enter our "Start From Zero" program

Why Pick Start From Zero?

Because life's too short to waste time on dull courses! Here's why our program is as snappy as a meme:

  1. Turbocharged Learning: We won't make you binge-watch an entire Netflix series to learn the ropes. In just 2 hours, you'll be armed with the skills to conquer YouTube Shorts – and maybe even make the next viral sensation during your coffee break.
  2. Comedy Central Professors: Our team of experts (It's Dino... just Dino lol) know that learning should be fun. They've got more humor than a stand-up comedy club. Prepare to laugh while you learn, because education doesn't have to be a snooze-fest.
  3. Action-Packed Game Plan: We won't drown you in theory like a college lecture. By the end of our program, you'll have a battle-ready plan to create videos that'll make your audience drop everything (including their snacks) to watch.

Here’s what you’ll learn

  1. YouTube Shorts: The Quirky Universe: We'll navigate you through the weird and wonderful world of YouTube Shorts. No boring jargon – just the good stuff you need to know to go viral.
  2. Shorts Craftsmanship: Craft videos so good, even your cat will watch (or at least, look mildly interested). We'll teach you the secrets of storytelling, idea generation, and hooks that'll grab your viewers by the throat and force them to watch (in a loving way ofc).
  3. Outsmarting the Algorithm: YouTube Shorts algorithm? It's dumb. Don't worry about it. We'll simplify the TWO things you need to know and focus on in order to guarantee 1 Million Views.
  4. Fan Club, Not a Stalker's List: Learn to grow a fanbase faster than you can say "subscribe." Build a community that loves your content, without resorting to creepy fan mail.
  5. Monetize that Sucker: Turn your content strategy into a money-making machine. We'll explore how much money you can make through short form video and exactly how to capitalize on your views.

About Author

Dino Favara, Sr. has owned and operated Anchor Safe Home Inspections in Atlanta, GA for the last three years (shoot me a private message if you're buying a house soon!)

About six months ago I learned that my old man had hired an agency to run his social media for him. They would make posts, manage his network, and build his brand. I was amazed he even knew what social media was, honestly. I was so excited for him... until I noticed something.

Sure this agency was creating content. They would post 3x a week on his Facebook AND Instagram (which is pretty standard), however he wasn't gaining any traction. I started to look at a bit more of what they were doing and realized, "I could do better than these guys."

I don't have a marketing degree, and I certainly have never worked in a traditional marketing workplace. However, after years of online learning, countless hours of reading, and paying excruciatingly close attention to professors, I was able to graduate from the PRESTIGIOUS "UYT"

The University of YouTube

Fast forward a few months, Mercury Media Marketing LLC was bought, clients were booked, and an idea had officially become a reality!

I am consistently amazed with how fast social media moves, matures, and grows. It is no one's fault for not understanding how it works, but it's my job to fix that. My goal is to help 100 businesses grow their brand online and free themselves from the overpriced and overrated world of mainstream advertising.

More courses from the same author: Dino Favara

Salepage: Start From Zero: Mastering the Art of YouTube Shorts and Making Videos that People Send to their Friends – Dino Favara


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