Videography For Beginners: Learn How to Make 4 Types of Short Videos for Business or Hobby – Randy Alan

Videography For Beginners: Learn How to Make 4 Types of Short Videos for Business or Hobby – Randy AlanVideography For Beginners Information

Learn how to make professional-looking videos for your personal brand, business, or hobby.

Are you someone looking to get started in the video production world but don't know how? Does it seem confusing and overwhelming?

This course will help teach you the basics of video production so you can start making your own video content as soon as possible.

In today's online world, video content is king. Just look all around you. On every social media platform there are videos being posted to entertain, to connect, and most definitely to promote. They range from short, 10 second videos to highly polished 5+ minute videos. Wouldn't it be great to learn how to make videos like that? If you're someone who's looking to get into the video production world, this course will help get you there. Knowing how to make your own videos for your brand, company, or just a personal hobby is a skill that's invaluable.

At the end of the course you'll make four of your own short videos that you can start adding to your portfolio/reel.

This is a course for beginners and it's structured in a way so that the student is comfortable and doesn't feel overwhelmed with confusing terminology and techniques.


  • You'll need a camera you're familiar with and know how to use (at the very least: turn on, shoot video, adjust a few settings). A two-year-old or newer camera phone will work great. A simple point-and-shoot is also fine.
  • You'll need a Mac computer with iMovie 10.1 software. I'll be teaching the editing section with iMovie only. You can take the rest of the course if you don't have iMovie, but you won't be able to follow along during the editing lectures.

This course is NOT for individuals looking to learn advanced topics, techniques, or skills.

Here’s what you’ll learn

  • Know the process of video production from start to finish.
  • Understand the basic concepts and fundamentals that make up any good video.
  • Edit videos using iMovie.
  • Create creative, freelance, corporate and vlog-style videos.

Who is this course for?

  • This course is for students who don't have a lot of (or any) knowledge of video production.
  • This course is for individuals who are interested in making video content for their company, their brand, or personal hobby.
  • This course is for individuals who want to practice what they learn and create four of their own videos.
  • This course is NOT for individuals looking to learn advanced topics, techniques, or skills.

About Author

Videography For Beginners: Learn How to Make 4 Types of Short Videos for Business or Hobby – Randy AlanHi, I'm Randy! And I love video. Over the past 12 years, I've invested a lot of my time and money into learning video production. I'm college educated as well as self-taught. I spent a year living in Korea where I was also fortunate enough to travel all around Asia and experience new cultures and adventures. That gave me the confidence I needed to move to Hollywood and pursue film production full time.

I also love to share what I learn. And that's what drew me to teaching online. Learning, creating, and sharing are three of my biggest passions. So I hope to share my knowledge with you and help you grow in your video production journey.

Come say hi! I hope to see you in the course.

More courses from the same author: Randy Alan Salepage: Videography For Beginners: Learn How to Make 4 Types of Short Videos for Business or Hobby – Randy Alan


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