How to Easily Animate Logos in After Effects – Jayden Pitman

How to Easily Animate Logos in After Effects – Jayden PitmanHow to Easily Animate Logos in After Effects Information

The logo is one of the most universal elements in all media. It’s such an important part of the branding and image of a piece of art, company or organization - and yet, it’s all too often forgotten when handing it off to the editor. Being able to animate a killer logo animation is an invaluable asset that will make you stand out from the crowd.

In this Skillshare class, you'll make a dynamic logo animation within After Effects, only by building upon the most basic of tools. We will only be using the Transform properties, masks and shape keyframes, some simple shape property effects, mattes, and pre-compositions.

This class is for all levels and for all departments. Even if you’re an editor or graphic designer first and foremost, this is a simple exercise that you can do to help round out your skillset.

Here’s what you’ll learn

  1. Introduction
  2. Class Project
  3. Explanation of File Types
  4. Importing and Preparing a Vector file (.ai, .eps)
  5. Importing and Preparing a Raster file (.jpg, .png)
  6. Transform Properties I: Position, Anchor Point & Scale
  7. Bonus: Applying Position, Anchor Point & Scale
  8. Transform Properties II: Rotation & Opacity
  9. Adding Shape & Mask Path Keyframes
  10. Four Cool Shape Effects
  11. Mattes and Precomps I: Basics
  12. Mattes and Precomps II: With Motion
  13. Unfinished Business: Transform Review
  14. Compositing and Effects
  15. Exporting
  16. Final Thoughts

About Author

How to Easily Animate Logos in After Effects – Jayden PitmanI worked as an editor and animator at a production house for 4 years, and have been freelancing since high school. But my experience with post-production goes all the way back to when I was 11, and I used my dad's trial of After Effects to give me and my friends lightsabers. (The files of which have thankfully been lost to the ether.)

I have a passion for all things film and animation, to the extent I'm very likely not fun to talk to at cocktail parties for those who are sick of hearing about Blade Runner for the nth time.

I love simple yet layered animation that drives the point home in the best possible way. From classic Merrie Melodies to obscure 80s anime to arthouse Russian stop motion, I honestly believe animation is a medium with endless potential; only limited by time and your own imagination.

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Salepage: How to Easily Animate Logos in After Effects – Jayden Pitman


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